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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain.

Did you know ....

  • Around 10% of the population will suffer from Plantar Fasciitis at some point in their lifetime.
  • The age group most likely to be affected by Plantar Fasciitis is 40-60 years of age.
  • It can heal itself with conservative treatment (ice, rest, activity modifications, stretching, orthotics) within 6 months.  But for some, extra help is needed.
  • That foot arches, both flat feet and high arches, are contributing factors.
  • As we age our body's tissues loose elasticity, contributing to this problem.
  • You are more at risk if you stand a lot, whether at work or home, particularly on hard surfaces.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

It involves inflammation of the thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the toes to the heel bone. The plantar fascia acts as a shock absorber, supporting the arch of the foot. If tension or stress becomes too great on the plantar fascia, small tears can occur which cause inflammation and pain. It may also be accompanied by a bone spur at the attachment site.


Plantar fasciitis typically causes pain in the arch and heel bone area.  It is often worse in the morning, with the first few steps. It can also be painful after prolonged periods of standing or sitting, or after certain activities that involve running or jumping.


Certain types of activities that place a lot of stress on the heel can lead to plantar fasciitis such as running, ballistic jumping, and aerobic dance. Being flatfooted, having a high arch, or an abnormal walking pattern can also contribute to plantar fasciitis, as well as occupations that require a lot of standing, especially on a hard surface.


Good supportive shoes, with a good arch support and shock absorption, are necessary for both sports and every day activities.  It is important to not go barefoot, especially on hard surfaces.  Worn out (visible wear and tear, AND shoe usage/mileage) athletic shoes should be replaced.

PHYSIOTHERAPY will help with the pain by using pain reducing modalities and stretching or strengthening exercises. Stretching for the arch, Achilles tendon, and calf muscles are often indicated. 

Sometimes an orthotic (insole shoe insert) or night resting splint will be recommended.

If conventional treatment does not relieve the symptoms  EXTRACORPEAL SHOCKWAVE THERAPY has been proven to be very effective in treating plantar fasciitis.  Symptoms are usually relieved in 3-5 sessions.  This treatment has been offered at The Nepean Sports Medicine & Physiotherapy Centre for the past 15 years with excellent results.



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(613) 727-5755